Rising Star
Wednesday, July 11th, 2018Although a smaller peach, the Rising Star is large in flavor. This semi-freestone peach has a deep red-yellow flesh, and is a perfect snack for a day with friends and family!
Although a smaller peach, the Rising Star is large in flavor. This semi-freestone peach has a deep red-yellow flesh, and is a perfect snack for a day with friends and family!
This sweet, freestone peach is sure to make your table the hit of the neighborhood! Crack one open and enjoy the tasty yellow meat with all your friends and family.
This early rising, yellow meat peach is one of our cling-stone varieties but is great for a sweet and healthy snack on the go!
The White Lady is a large, red peach that ripens in July. This freestone peach stores well and is highly recommended by commercial growers. This fruit is very sweet.
This hard apple is great for cooking. It has a traditional apple flavor sure to make anyone a fan.
A green apple that is a little on the tart side. Great for baking pies or cobblers
This popular apple is our sweetest apple. Possibly one of the best apples you can bite into.
One of the first sweet apples of the season. Galas have a mild and sweet flavor, with a thinner skin. They resist bruising, and fit perfectly in kids hands. Very aromatic and great for cooking.
This well-known “pie apple” is great for cooking. It is very tart and holds its shape when baking.
This large sweet apple is similar to a Red Delicious but is more crisp.
A blue-ribbon, all-purpose peach. This luscious, top-quality fruit is great as a fresh snack or for canning and freezing. The Red Havens are what we like to call a semi-freestone peach. Once the peach is fully ripe, it will break loose from the seed. Enjoy bushels of large peaches with almost fuzzless skin over firm, creamy textured yellow flesh. This peach originated from South Haven, Michigan in 1930, introduced in 1940.
This very tart summer apple is perfect for baking!
with Scott's Orchard on: