FFA Tractor Day 2018 Scholarship Application
Wednesday, February 15th, 2017The application period has ended thanks to everyone that applied.
Applicant must be actively involved in LC FFA, present at Tractor Day 2017, continuing their education at a trade school or university, and be in good standing in all classes.
Please fill out application completely and email to Scholarship@ScottsOrchard.com before the deadline.
Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, February 21 @ 12:00am. Applications submitted prior to the deadline may receive priority in phone interviews.
Additional Information:
Applicants are encouraged to include additional information and pictures showing a well-rounded student, work ethic, and entrepreneurial spirit.
If you are having trouble getting the information to save on the form, simply click the download button on the top right-hand side, and open
the form on your desktop instead of inside the web browser.
Any questions may be emailed to Scholarship@ScottsOrchard.com
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